Kris Androsky
Lead Pastor

My Story
Kris Androsky grew up in Superior, WI with her parents and one younger brother, Tom. Long before she ever felt a call to pastoral ministry, she was certain she would grow up to be a teacher. Loving reading, school, creative arts and exploration, she spent most of her childhood riding her bike through town, curling up in cozy corners with good books, and creating more art than could be contained in any one family’s home. Holding jobs as a Park and Recreation monitor, a coffee shop barista, and a wild rice salesperson, she learned many of the survival skills she has today. These include things like what to say when a child eats all the glitter glue, the best way to move 10,000 pounds of wild rice, and of course, how to brew a great cup of coffee.
After graduating from high school, Kris met Steve, whom she dated for a month before moving to Naperville to attend North Central College. Five years of a long-distance relationship were more than enough for them and they married in August of 2002, throwing a giant pizza party reception to celebrate. Living in the same state, not to mention the same house, was quite a novelty at first – and remains something they don’t take for granted.
While in seminary at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, Kris served as student pastor at St. James UMC in East Troy where the members of the congregation graciously allowed her to use them as guinea pigs for her newly acquired ideas in ministry. Upon graduation, she was appointed to Lake Street UMC in Eau Claire where she served as Associate Pastor, with an emphasis on Christian Education and Youth Ministries.
Having answered a call to ordained ministry in the United Methodist Church and signing her name on the “I can’t wait to itinerate” list, Kris and Steve moved to Waukesha in 2007 as Kris was appointed to Waukesha: First UMC as Minister of Discipleship. Serving there for over seven years, her focus was to develop and support a cradle to grave formation system, help the congregation move out of the pews and into the city in missions, and to provide pastoral care and oversight.
As the congregation deepened their connection with local nonprofit agencies, Kris was invited to join the Board of Directors for Hebron House of Hospitality, Inc. in 2012 and in 2015, was hired as the second Executive Director in the agency’s 30+ year history. Overseeing the county’s largest homeless shelter system, Kris worked with members of the community with some of the highest barriers to stable housing: those struggling with alcohol and other drug issues, those aging out of the foster care system, and working families struggling to afford housing in Waukesha County. Under her leadership, Hebron House of Hospitality was named 2017 Large Non-Profit of the Year by the Waukesha County Executive and in 2018, Kris was named a Woman of Distinction by the Women and Girls Fund of Waukesha County.
Kris and Steve continue to live in Waukesha, enjoying condo living with their dog, Cali. You can often find them exploring historical sites around the state, enjoying time with friends at the Renaissance Faire (in costume, of course), catching up on television shows that everyone else has already watched, or planning their next exploration. With a bit of an adventurous spirit, you’re likely to find Kris trying things that are slightly dangerous – like skydiving, teaching kids how to make tambourines, hiking Alaskan glaciers, or spoiling the children of her friends.
Most importantly, Kris loves God and the United Methodist Church and is excited to be here serving with you at Community UMC!