Community Food Pantry
Community Food Center
at Rooted & Rising
The suggested items for September are:
Toilet Paper Bar Soap Toothpaste
Lunch Items examples: canned soup, mac and cheese, rice a roni
Extras – Crackers, condiments, Sugar, Flour, Spices, Syrup, Salsa
Other items are always welcome and will be utilized.
Rooted & Rising - Washington Park
Community Food Center
We have delivered 2,191 lbs. so far in 2024
283 lbs. of food and hygiene items were delivered on August 20 bringing this year’s total to 2,191 lbs.
In July they served 1,088 individuals (of whom 521 were children) from 356 households in their Community Food Center.
Suggested items for September are:
hygiene items: toilet paper, bar soap and toothpaste;
lunch items: soup, mac ‘n cheese, and rice a roni;
and extras: crackers, condiments, salsa and flour/sugar.
Other items, including family favorites, are always welcome! ​​
***Your donations may be left inside the marked bins in the entryway off the courtyard during the week (M-Th 8:00 am-3:30 pm and Fri 8:00 am-2:30 pm). On Sundays, the courtyard door is unlocked from 8:00-11:00 am, so you may also bring your donations when you come to Church or leave them in the Narthex and someone will take them down for you. *** “Rooted & Rising – Washington Park” staff and their clients appreciate all the food and hygiene items that CUMC continues to donate monthly. Thanks for your generosity and ongoing support! (Keep filling those bags.)