What is the Servant Leadership Team?
The Servant Leadership Team is a group of church members elected yearly to provide oversight and administrative leadership for the church. In addition, they work closely with the pastoral leadership to cast vision and seek the spiritual development of the entire congregation. Many SLT members oversee important aspects of Community’s ministry.
Who serves on the Servant Leadership Team?
Dean Johnson (Chair, Trustees), Tom Twinem (Finance), Don Down (Hospitality), Katy Wilson (Missions), Sheryl Cavan, Justin Forbes (Finance), Jeff Turmel (Spiritual Health Ministry Team), Christian Fuller (Worship Tech), Tom Conner (Physical Health Ministry Team)
Who can participate in Servant Leadership Meetings?
Anyone who is engaged in the life of Community United Methodist Church is welcome to participate in SLT meetings. Only SLT members are able to vote on leadership decisions.
When are Meetings?
Meetings are held once a month, usually on the 3rd Thursday. Call the Church office to verify at 262.782.4060.
How do I attend?
Most Servant Leadership Team meetings are held via Zoom to allow for the broadest participation. The Zoom meeting details and agenda are emailed to the church email list each Tuesday before the Servant Leadership Team meeting. You can sign up for the weekly email by contacting the church office or filling out the form at the bottom of any page for weekly updates.
Monthly Meeting Minutes